Charta RIPAM
(translation in English from French original document)

RIPAM was born in Meknes, Morocco, in 2005. RIPAMs are both meetings and a network of people and institutions working on the knowledge and conservation of the Mediterranean architectural and urban heritage.

This Charta defines this spirit of cooperation and the modalities of realization of the RIPAM, International Conferences on Mediterranean Architectural Heritage, in order to give them a strong common identity in the respect of each one.

The RIPAM community brings together academics, heritage protection managers, conservation and restoration professionals, heritage scientists, architectural professionals, urban planners, … who study, analyze and work on all types and components of this architectural heritage: history, architectural type (urban, rural, industrial, official, domestic, …), archaeomaterials and physical conservation, construction and conservation techniques, urban structure and town planning, architectural realization, methods of analysis and investigations, documentation and archives of architecture, legislation and regulation, management and valorization, preventive measures …

General principles

RIPAMs are a privileged link to exchange and dialogue on these topics, to present research, conservation or enhancement work. They are based on the following principles and objectives:

  • To know and make known the architectural and urban Mediterranean heritage, in order to participate in its conservation, its transmission to the future generations and its valorization, within the framework of the studies and patrimonial policies in close connection with the stakes of the contemporary Mediterranean world.
  • To ensure this knowledge and its dissemination a high scientific value, a diversity of approaches in the affirmation of a Mediterranean community and respect for the specificities of each one.
  • To ensure a balance between the Mediterranean countries participating in the RIPAM, in particular by respecting the alternation of meeting places.
  • To foster organizational solidarity enabling participants from each Mediterranean country to attend RIPAMs.
  • To promote exchanges and the sharing of experiences.

For these purposes the RIPAM community

  • Creates a network of contacts and information exchange on the theme of Mediterranean architectural and urban heritage.
  • Realizes a RIPAM main conference every two years in one of the Mediterranean countries whose application has been accepted.
  • May organize intermediate RIPAM conferences between two main RIPAM conferences
  • Defines an organization to respond to these principles and to conferences organization.

Organization of RIPAM

The RIPAM community has the following operating resources:

Permanent Committee


  • Guarantee the spirit of RIPAM and ensure their sustainability-
  • Energize and mobilize networks, particularly national networks of competence.
  • Ensure the dissemination and communication on the RIPAMs to the community and any interested person or institution.
  • Supervise the organization of conferences by ensuring:
    • management of the call for applications for the organization of future RIPAM,
    • the designation of the institution that will organize the conference
    • the accompaniment of the Local Organizing Committee created on this occasion
    • endorsement for good organization: RIPAM dates, registration fees, call for papers, circulars, publication of documents …


  • The Permanent Committee is composed by a maximum of two representatives from each Local Organisazion Committe of main RIPAM conferences et one only representative of each intermediate RIPAM conference. The Committee includes representatives of future RIPAMs already assigned.
  • It meets at least once a year.
  • Meetings are valid in person or remotely, with at least 7 members of the Permanent Committee from 3 different nations, on both north and south shores. Decisions are made by the majority of participants, including remote participants.

The Permanent Committee entrusts the Presidency to an individual of the Committee itself, for 4 years – i.e. for 2 main RIPAM sessions. The President is elected by the majority of those present, including those participating remotely.

The Permanent Committee entrusts the General Secretariat to an individual of the Committee itself, for 4 years – i.e. for 2 main RIPAM sessions. The General Secretary is elected by the majority of those present, including those participating remotely.

The Permanent Committee may entrust a member with a mission, with definition of the objectives and limits of the delegation, as well as the method of reporting to the committee.

  • He represents the RIPAM network to external organizations
  • It constitutes the guarantor of RIPAM and respect for all specificities
  • It works to facilitate activities in compliance with the principles set out in this Charta
  • He summons and chairs meetings and proposes the agenda
  • It constitutes the guarantor of the spirit of RIPAM and this Charta.
General Secretary
  • He ensures the coordination and dissemination of decisions to the Pemanent Committee
  • He attends meetings and drafts minutes of meetings
  • He ensures the dissemination of any information related to RIPAM to the RIPAM community network. For this, it constitutes a file, mailings of the community of RIPAM, a web site …
  • He provides the link between the Permanent Committee and the Local Organizing Committee.
Local Organizing Committee

For each conference, the organizing body creates a Local Organizing Committee in the country whose candidacy has been selected by the Permanent Committee.

  • The Local Organizing Committee is in charge of the organization of the RIPAM session in accordance with the specifications (see below): call for communication, material organization and logistics, dissemination and communication on the RIPAM session, provision of at least one book of the abstracts …
  • It appoints from among its members 2 representatives who will be members of the Permanent Committee.
  • It constitutes a Scientific Committee including the Permanent Committee. The Scientific Committee is responsible for reviewing communication proposals, selecting them and establishing the scientific program for RIPAM. It is also responsible for selecting the articles to be published.
  • The Organizing Committee ensures the publication and dissemination of the proceedings of the symposium and draws up an activity report communicated to the Permanent Committee.

RIPAM conferences: organization and specifications

In order to ensure the scientific value and balance of RIPAM conferences, the following principles are defined and guaranteed by the Permanent Committee:

  • The main RIPAM conferences will be held every two years. A call for applications and a calendar are launched during the closing session of a RIPAM by the Permanent Committee for the RIPAM N + 2.
  • During oral communications of the conference, the local organizing committee facilitates access and understanding of the communications by ensuring the translation into one of the international official languages.
  • The publications and dissemination media are in one of the following three languages: English, French or Arabic, supplemented by at least one of the other two languages.
  • The material organization is ensured by the Local Organizing Committee.
  • The intermediate RIPAM conferences will take place over a reduced number of days, one or two days.
  • Intermediate RIPAM meetings are organized on the proposal of one of the members of the Permanent Committee with approval of the Committee, or by call for applications published by the Committee

Charte revised and adapted in Errachidia, Morocco during RIPAM10, on November 2, 2023. Daniela PITTALUGA, Giovanni PANCANI, Fabio FRATINI, Mohamed AZROUR, Ali LIMAM, Mustapha HADDAD, Abderrahman NOUNAH, Younes EL RHAFFARI, Luis MATEUS, Filipe GONZÁLEZ, José Alberto ALEGRIA, Mounsif IBNOUSSINA.

Modifications sur Charte reviewed and adopted in Meknes on February 28, 2015 by Kamel Said, Mustapha Haddad (RIPAM1, University of Meknes, Morocco, 2005), Mohamed Mili (RIPAM4, University of M’sila, Algeria, 2012), Roland May and Philippe Bromblet (RIPAM5, CICRP, France, 2013), Fabio Fratini (RIPAM7, University of Gênes, Italy, 2017)

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