RIPAM 11Palermo (Italy) – November 6-8, 2025
OrganizerDipartimento DARCH, Università degli Studi di Palermo
Organizer web site
Co-organizerSoprintendenza Archivistica della Sicilia – Archivio di Stato di Palermo (SAAS-SIPA)
ThemeProposed theme: “The material and immaterial heritage of Mediterranean cultures: contaminations, stratifications, restorations and valorisation”
SynthesisPalermo has founded its history on the coexistence and exchange of different cultures. The kingdoms, the economic, literary and artistic relations and the policies of coexistence have built Sicilian culture over the centuries: the product of multiculturalism, translated into an intense architectural and artistic activity that still characterizes it today. Think of the so-called “Arab-Norman” architecture, recently the subject of UNESCO recognition, and of the “Mediterranean Gothic” of which the city is among the most interesting examples both for the presence of civil architecture and fragments of architecture linked to the period between the mid-15th century. and the first decades of the following.
This conference will be a large-scale comparison on the exchanges and profitable contaminations of cultures in the Mediterranean, investigated from an artistic, architectural, archival and sociological point of view. It is conceived as a constructive moment to rethink projects and communities between past and future, in a peaceful and multicultural perspective.
Important dates
  • 1. Abstract Submission Deadline: 13 aprile 2025
  • 2. Notification of Acceptance: 13 maggio 2025
  • 3. Submission of final abstracts: 13 giugno 2025
  • 4. Deadline for reduced fee registration: 10 luglio 2025
  • 5. Deadline for registration: 30 luglio 2025
  • 6. Conference: 6-7-8 Novembre 2025
  • 7. Submission of final papers: 20 dicembre 2025
  • 8. Publication June 2025

  • 1. Studies, restorations and enhancement of tangible and intangible heritage
    • 1.1 Forgotten and/or abandoned heritage: reuse and enhancement of twentieth-century architecture.
    • 1.2 Challenges of contemporary architecture in the Mediterranean, studies, projects to enhance the city.
    • 1.3 Rediscovery, protection and enhancement of the Mediterranean heritage: studies, projects and participatory management strategies.
    • 1.4 The study and cataloguing of the construction techniques of the Mediterranean.
    • 1.5 The archaeological heritage in the Mediterranean: activities and collaborations between the coasts.
    • 1.6 Cultural heritage and war: monitoring, cataloguing, protection and restoration.
    • 1.7 Multiculturalism in the decorative arts, between protection policies and restoration and enhancement projects.
    • 1.8 Risks of climate change: projects and visions in perspective for the conservation of the Mediterranean cultural heritage.
    • 1.9 Cultural heritage for urban enhancement and redevelopment.
    • 1.10 Mediterranean multicultural heritages as collective values: new forms of storytelling.
    • 1.11 Scientific analyses for the knowledge and conservation of material heritage.

  • 2. Community and communication, strategy for enhancement
    • 2.1 Participatory practices, visual communication and public management strategies for the cultural heritage of the Mediterranean.
    • 2.2 Visual communication projects for cultural itineraries.
    • 2.3 Visual communication and cultural accessibility, new perspectives.

  • 3. New perspectives of study for cultural heritage
    • 3.1 Representing cultural heritage in the Mediterranean: virtual reconstruction experiences.
    • 3.2 Conservation of the architectural heritage through new digital practices of surveying, mapping, monitoring, documentation and cataloguing.
    • 3.3 Migrations: tangible and intangible cultural heritage that travels and transforms places.
    • 3.4 HBIM, new perspectives of representation for the restoration and management project of cultural heritage.
    • 3.5 New perspectives and experiences of diagnostic investigation for Cultural Heritage.

  • 4. Mediterranean Archives
    • 4.1 The archival documents tell of relationships, influences, protagonists in the history of the construction site of architecture in the Mediterranean.
    • 4.2 Archival sources for a history of cultural exchanges between the shores of the Mediterranean: art, architecture, sociology, politics.
    • 4.3 Experiences of study and enhancement in the archives of the Mediterranean.
    • 4.4 The conservation of archival documents, critical issues and perspectives.
    • 4.5 Archives of Cultural Institutes: functions and potential between conservation and digitization.
    • 4.6 Maintenance and management of digital archives.
    • 4.7 Common reflections on the protection and enhancement of the archives of the Mediterranean countries.


Contributions presented at the conference will be published in a monographic issue of a class A journal in the list of ANVUR Area 8.

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Languages admitted for abstracts: French, English

Languages admitted for papers: French, English, Italian

Languages admitted for presentation at the conference: French, English, Italian

Below: links to navigate conference sequence
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NextRipam 12, Salé 2027

RIPAM Permanent Committee
Mounsif Ibnoussina (President)Semlalia Faculty of Science, Cadi Ayyad University, MarrakechRipam 2
Filipe González (General Secretary)Faculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade de LisboaRipam 3
Mustapha HaddadFaculté des Sciences, University Moulay Ysmail, MeknèsRipam 1
Saïd KamelFaculté des Sciences, University Moulay Ysmail, MeknèsRipam 1
Mohamed NocairiSemlalia Faculty of Science, Cadi Ayyad University, MarrakechRipam 2
José Alberto AlegriaCITAD, Università Lusiada de LisbonneRipam 3
Mohamed MiliIGTU, Université de M’silaRipam 4
Philippe BrombletCICRP, MarseilleRipam 5
Roland MayCICRP, MarseilleRipam 5
Taoufik BelharethENAU, Université de TunisRipam 6
Fabio FratiniCNR, Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale, FirenzeRipam 7
Daniela PittalugaDAD Dipartimento Architettura e Design – Università degli Studi di GenovaRipam 7
Samira Debache BenzagoutaFaculté d’architecture et d’urbanisme, Université Contantine3Ripam 7.5
Younes El RhaffariÉcole supérieure de Technologie de Salé, Université Mohammed 5 de RabatRipam 8
Giovanni PancaniDiDA Dipartimento di Architettura, Università di FirenzeRipam 8.5
Luís Miguel Cotrim MateusFaculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade de LisboaRipam 9
Mohamed AzrourFST Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université Moulay Ismail, ErrachidiaRipam 10
Amine TiliouaFST Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université Moulay Ismail, ErrachidiaRipam 10
Polona OblakEuro-Mediterranean University EMUNIRipam 10.5
Zaira BaroneDipartimento di Architettura, Università degli Studi di PalermoRipam 11
Carmen GenoveseSoprintendenza Archivistica della Sicilia – Archivio di Stato di PalermoRipam 11
Abderrahman NounahÉcole supérieure de Technologie de Salé, Université Mohammed 5 de RabatRipam 12
Khadija BabaÉcole supérieure de Technologie de Salé, Université Mohammed 5 de RabatRipam 12
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