RIPAM 6Monastir (Tunisie) – November 5-8, 2015
OrganizerMinistère de la Culture et de la Sauveguarde du Patrimoine
Organizer web
Co-organizer(s)Association Tunisienne des Etudes et Recherches Urbaines ATERU.
Association de Sauveguarde de la Ville de Monastir ASVM
ThemeHeritage interactions between the two shores of the Mediterranean for better integration
Sub-themes1- Categorization of heritage: archaeological heritage (sites and monuments), economic heritage (industrial and mining), heritage and transport infrastructure (stations, port and railway installations, etc.), rural heritage.
2- Architectural and urban heritage in the Mediterranean (Medina, colonial city and traditional city)
3- Analysis techniques: restoration, construction materials and digital modeling
4- Links between built heritage and green heritage: what strategies for the city of tomorrow
5- Heritage strategies and actors: perception and protection of heritage, enhancement of historic centers and districts, management and integration of heritage sites and shared management by residents.
SynthesisThis RIPAM highlights North/South cooperation as a means of consolidating the exchange of knowledge and know-how relating to architectural heritage and its urban context between stakeholders.
It follows the objectives of the RIPAM Charter, which emphasizes the “spirit of cooperation and the methods of carrying out RIPAM to give them a strong common identity with respect for everyone”.
The conference was initially planned in Tunis, afterwards the location has ben changed to Monastir.
AbstractsThe abstracts of the conference were in english, french and arabic
PlacardPoster of the conference
Call for papersCall Ripam 6
Below: links to navigate conference sequence
PreviousRipam 5, Marseille 2013
NextRipam 7, Genova 2017

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